Friday, January 27, 2012


These few weeks have been full of activity with different groups coming.

The Clinic is seeing many more patients

The Marie Poussepin Center is getting ready to receive the students

Nazareth Farm is having some help in finishing up a green house to grow tomatoes.

Groups have come from Bridgewater University in Massachusetts and from Mt. Carmel Parish in Seekonk, MA.  On January 13th, we also welcome three volunteers from Stonehill College who will be with us during the school year as tutors at the Marie Pousspein Center:  Alex Flores, Christina Martone and Matthew Rigby, who is in Guaimaca for a second year.

Alex, Christina and Matt are getting familiar with the area and their responsibilities at school.

Also, they have been an excellent help
in finishing up
the new meeting area that is replacing
the gazebo in the "patio".

We are greatful to the many people helping us, and also to the older students themselves, who this week are preparing the place to receive all the students next week.

Best wishes for a good year to Sr. Teresa MarĂ­a, students and staff!