During the first week of December we were happy to have among us some people from St. Nicholas Parish in Dighton, MA. The came ready to help us in whatever way it was needed. Since our students have been home on vacation and working picking coffee, our volunteers worked on some maintenance projects at the Marie Poussepin Center that were badly needed. They certainly accomplish a lot in just a few days!
Nancy and Brian Brown meet Mirna Carolina, the best student at the Marie Poussepin Center. |
They did very well presenting their social projects: to teach the basics of reading, writing and math to some adults and to plant medicinal gardens to process the medications and teach others their benefits for good health.
Each one signed the Graduation Act |
All the students were congratulated by the examiners.
The graduates pledging to use well what has been received and to put it at the service of the their communities and the country. |
Now it was time to gather with their families and have a Thanksgiving Mass. This took place on December 14th, at the chapel of the Marie Poussepin Center.
The graduates with some of their tutors |
The gazebo was a good place to celebrate with their families and tutors. |
May this fifth group of CMP graduates continue their growth to be the best of themselves for their own happiness and the good of their communities!