Wednesday, December 25, 2013


On this Christmas Day,
 we would like to share some of the joys and accomplishments
of our mission in Honduras during this month of December:

CMP Graduation

On December 2nd, the 6th CMP graduating class presented and defended their Social Project on Alphabetization.  They had taught 11 adults in one of the three levels of Primary education.  They not only obtained a 100% grade, but were congratulated by the examining board as the best among 3,000 pupils they had examined.

The case of Suyapa, mother of five children, is worth to mention:  One of her daughters, who graduated from the CMP two years ago, taught her the first level. Another daughter, who graduated a year ago, guided her through the second level.  This year, it was her niece who taught her the third level, which allowed her to complete the 6 years of primary education! This niece is part of the same house hold (about 10 adults live in a two room house in the mountains, without running water or electricity).

The following Friday, December 6th, we had a thanksgiving Eucharist, celebrated by Fr. Jonathan, with the participation of staff and families.  Our volunteers from the USA were also present in spirit.
The graduates with Sisters Olga, Teresa María, Marta Inés and María

Potable Water for Sixty Families

Bill Kearny, from Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Seekonk, MA, one of the first comers to the mission in Guaimaca with the Diocesan groups, started five years ago to move a project to bring potable water to a very deprived area. Being an engineer himself, he enlisted the commitment of the Boston Chapter of Engineers Without Borders, who throughout these years has had about twenty people working on the project in different capacities.  Many have come to Guaimaca, work on obtaining funding and together realized studies and provide technical assistance.

The project serves the families of three villages: Aguacatillo, Maraquito and part of  La Calona in Guaimaca.  Most of them only had the polluted river water for all their needs. Needless to say that illnesses were rampart in the area.

The EWB (Engineers Without Borders) teamed up during these five years with the Water Board of the three villages, the City of Guaimaca, who assisted with some equipment and materials and the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation, who acted as a liaison between groups. 

Sr. María shairng the history of the project

After these years of many trips to Guaimaca, intense work, training of the people in the area, the people started having running water on December 18th, when the project was inaugurated. 

Sr. Marta giving a financial report

Some of the families

Standing room only

 Claire Barker who coordinated the project during the last two years, and David Ramos, a Honduran native and member of the EWB Boston Chapter were present, as well as Dr. Nelson Chávez, mayor of Guaimaca, the Dominican Sisters, the Water Board and many people from the three villages.
Claire Barker speaks on the name of the EWB
Potable water at last!
Dr. Chávez cutting the ribbon
It was certainly a joyful day
that marked a new beginning
for many people! 

First University Graduate

Thanks to the openness of the University of Agriculture in Catacamas and the generosity of several benefactors, several CMP graduates went on to pursue university studies in 2010.  Now after four years of perseverance and intense study Patricia López graduated on December 21st. She has now her Bachelors in Natural Resources and Environment and is ready to move on as a professional to contribute to the betterment of her country.

Sisters María Ceballos, Teresa María Abelló and Marta Inés Toro, accompanied her.  It was a happy moment for her parents and family members.  We were glad to have been able to express our gratitude to the different university officials.

We thank all those who in different ways
have supported our university students!

Saturday, November 23, 2013


These moths have been full of activities in our community and mission.  Here are a few glimpses of some the moments and events lived:

Baptism of some of the students who had been prepared for this moment thoroughout the year

St. Nicholas' Parish group volunteering at the Farm

Bringing lots of supplies for the school and the clinic

Getting to know more the mission

Math Olimpiads in which our students from the Marie Poussepin Center compitted with other local high school students.

Two of our students obtained the second place

They compitted with older students from other schools

Very good affirmation for our students and tutors!
Two vocation discernment retreats  
The young women were much  more centered and some even considered some decisions

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Our mission in Honduras is truly the work of Providence:  We are just five sisters living the charism through its three aspects of education, healthcare and human promotion through work. However, God’s loving Providence is made manifest through the support of our lay volunteers and benefactors, many of them committed to the mission since its beginning 12 years ago!

Here are some  moments of this rich experience:


Dental Services

Electricians and Carpenters

With students at the CMP

USA and Honduran Volunteers

Volunteers with a family
With the community

Sunday, July 28, 2013


July 7, 2013 has made history in the life of the Dominican Sisters of the Presentation mission and also in the life of St. Rose of Lima Parish in Guaimaca.  It was a joyous parish celebration with the participation of many parishioners, family and friends of  Sr. Rosa Gloribel Mendoza who made her Perpetual Profession.  The main celebrant was Fr. Carlos Antonio Cáceres O.P, the Provincial of the Dominican Fathers in Central America.  

The celebration was marked by the presence of 13 sisters. It was really a wonderful gathering and joyful witness and presence of our Congregation: Sr. Vimala Vadakumpadan, our major superior, Sr. Marina Mejía who accompanied Sr. Gloribel in her preparation and Sr. Anne Marie Legendre and Sr. Sabitha Anthoniamma came from the United States.  Sr. Lilia Alcira Vacca, the Provincial of the Province of Guadalupe and the three sisters of the community in El Salvador, sisters Esther Amaya, Dora Alicia Muñoz and Rufina Gómez and the other four members of our community in Guaimaca: Sisters María Ceballos, Marta Inés Toro, Teresa María Abello and Olga Iris Diaz.


Sr. Gloribel’s mother was unable to come but her sister Olga Lidia Mendoza came for this memorable event. Five members of a Dominican parish group of prayer and reflection of which Sr. Gloribel was a member for eight years before entering the Congregation and four other friends from El Salvador joined her memorable day. 

Sr. Gloribel's friends both from Tegucigalpa and from Guaimaca were present at the celebration. They had never experienced something like this before and they were very happy to witness the religious profession. Tutors and volunteers were also present. For the youth of the parish and for the women who have been in a process of vocational discernment it was truely an opportunity to confront their lives. Some were deeply moved.  May they continued being open to the Lord's call in thier lives. 

For us in the community, it is a joy to continue our community life and mission with Sr. Gloribel. May we together share Christ with others!

You can find more pictures of this joyous event in the gallery of our webpage:

Saturday, May 18, 2013


Our long term volunteers live at a house donated by Dan Redgate, a Stonehill Graduate, who for several years lived in Guaimaca some months at  a time.

 Dan helped out in a variety of ways:  tutoring, sorting out medications, being a eucharistic minister, visiting the sick with Sr. Lucía, joining the efforts of other friends volunteering at the moment.
 This  is the third year that we have the Stonehill Extension Program in Honduras. They are graduates from Stonehill College volunteering for eleven months at the CMP.  Helen Rodríguez and Alicia Talty's experience is enhanced by the fact that they are sharing their life and mission with Jenny Jordan, a Catholic Medical Mission Board volunteering at the clinic.
For us, the Sisters, it is a joy to have these young women giving their time, energy and talents to help us bring "the knowlege of Jesus Christ and his mysteries" to the poor we are trying to serve. It is certainly a tremendous support for us in our different ministries.

They work with the local tutors not only with the academic subjects, but also with different activities to provide a comprehensive formation to our students.
Students receiving healthcare from Jenny

A good picture of our tutors

Helen and Alicia visiting a home of one of the students

Doing yoga together

Our volunteers are a good role model for our students. They enjoy being and working with the local tutors.

The weekend of April 12-14 was a special one for our mission: Father Mark Cregan, took time from his busy schedule as President of Stonehill College, to visit our Stonehill Volunteers. He spend time visiting with them and with Jenny Jordan. 

  As it can be seeing through the pictures, this was a unique experience. Fr. Mark is an excellent cook! He teamed up with Alicia, Jenny and Helen and prepared a delicious brunch for the volunteers and for us: Sisters María, Marta Inés, Olga and Teresa María.

Father Mark spent quality time with each one of the volunteers and also took them out to eat at a restaurant in the nearby state of Olancho. They truely experienced much support from him!

On Saturday evening we had the celebration of the Eucharist. Our Lay Associates participated with us. It was a special paschal liturgy.

Now we keep Fr. Mark in our prayers as he went back to his last months at Stonehill College. We will always be thankful to him for the great support he has given to our mission in Guaimaca and for making it possible to have the Stonehill Extension Program volunteers at the Marie Poussepin Center.
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