This year, in Guaimaca, we actually had three days of celebrations: On Friday, October 12th, we had a Eucharistic celebration at the Marie Poussepin Center,
with the first communion of seven of the students who had been prepared by Sr. Olga during the year.
That same day, Sr. María went to Tegucigalpa to meet a nurse who was coming to the clinic for a year as part of Catholic Mission Board services. What a welcome help for Sr. María!
On Saturday, October 13th, the Associate candidates gathered for an afternoon of retreat in preparation for their commitment on November 21st. Sr. Marta Inés guided them in their reflection. The evening concluded with evening prayer and rosary with the community.
On the very day of the feast, Sunday, October 14th, we had the Eucharist at the parish church. Given the occasion of the feast of Our Foundress, Fr. Jonathan, the pastor, asked us to present the statue of St. Dominic that had just been finished. Sisters María and Gloribel carried the statue, while Sr. Teresa María gave the people a short explanation of St. Dominic, his spirituality and our Dominican Charism in a Parish that is dedicated to a Dominican Saint: St. Rose of Lima.
All these celebrations were a good opportunity to make better known our Congregation and to promote some vocations in our midst for the continuity of the mission in Honduras.