The main one is the formation of Andrea, our postulant. We have been very fortunate to have had Sr. Marina Mejía with us, mainly in Tegucigalpa for six weeks. Certainly Andrea has benefitted from Sr. Marina's insights and depth. However, we as a community have also profitted from her presence.
Two of us had Sr. Marina directing our annual retreat.
Also, we will never forget the day of prayer she facilitated for all of us with the theme of the Eucharist, which is so much in her heart and an integral part of her life.
These months in Tegucigalpa have been a time to get to know the people and insert ourselves in the parish, "El Divino Niño", especially in "Las Casitas", a poor village close to where we live.

In Guaimaca, we continue our ministry to the young women at the Marie Poussepin Center and accompany them in the different aspects of their comprehensive formation.
The Clinic has been welcoming different brigades from the USA that generously help us to respond to the basic healthcare and dental needs of the people.
The dry season has been a challenge at the farm, but thanks to the irrigation system we have been able to produce peppers, tomatoes, kidney beans, tapioca and corn.
We look forward to a good crop of peppers and tomatoes in a few months.
All these activities are possible thanks to the generous support of many benefactors.
It is a joy for us to see our farm workers, tutors and helpers at the clinic,
owning the mission and collaborating in making it a reality that benefits others.